This week so far has also been pretty easy. Limits I have no trouble with. Only figuring out some of the problem algebraically has been giving me issues. Most of the stuff has been easy with that but more specifically the only thing with limits I have trouble with is using the trigonometry terms. Sometimes I cant remember the rules of sin and cosine. But the group of people that I am sitting with have been helping me with that. Continuity has been giving me no problems so far. Once you know the rules and how to use it, it becomes pretty easy. So far going through the homework only a few problems have been giving me trouble. These problems I hope to get figured out tomorrow. On another note I would be writing this on Friday but I am part of the marching band so I have to be at the game. After the game it would have gave me very little time to write this blog post. The video you showed us about monster prime numbers was very interesting. I liked how the search for these specific numbers have been so important to mathematics. I really liked the rule where if you times 2 by a prime number and subtract 1 you will get a prime number. The one thing I thought the video was missing was explaining why some of the numbers found by this rule ending up being non-prime numbers. I was wondering if there was any way to find out if the rule holds true with the numbers. I wonder if there is any special rule that explains why there is exception to the rule of finding prime numbers. Other than that it was a great video and it was a great way to break up the week in limits and I greatly enjoyed it.

This week was pretty easy. I’ve never had much problems with limits. The sandwich therom escaped me though. I understood it after I saw the video. The video explained the therom really well and it was enjoyable to find out the basics of the therom. I liked the speaker and the style he used to explain his point. The algebra portion was a bit more difficult. Some of the questions that ask for you to solve them algebraically I was unable to solve. Thanks to the group I was in they helped me to figure out how it works together and a few other question that the other groups were doing as well. Finding infinite limits was also pretty easy. They all have to abide by a specific set of rules to have a limit. When I figured them out limits became easy. It also helped that I went over the subject in pre-algebra. Today was the first day that we were able to try giving problems to each group. It worked really well in the group that I was in. We were able to easily find the answer from the notes that our group took. I never realized how easy my calculator has made this unit. My calculator does most of the work already for me. I like the teaching style. How you let us solve the problems ourselves instead of you going right out and telling us the answers. I like that you use the answer key as a resource instead of just a grading tool. The hardest thing so far is remembering to do the confidence thing at the end of the assignment. Especially if I end up finishing it in class. I like how you use video lectures sometimes to make your point. Overall it has been a pretty easy and enjoyable week.

This week was fairly easy. The assignment packet had a few difficult problems that I could not remember from last year. A problem used theta and asked me what the intercepts were. I could not remember how to do this. One of the other things that I had problems with was some of the shapes. Some of the shape equations escaped me and I could not remember how to do them. Another problem I had was interval notation. I could not remember which number went under which parenthesis. The finding the zeros equations were pretty easy. Finding the real solution using the quadratic formula was also pretty easy. The composition of functions was pretty had until I figured out the rule on how to solve them. The function review was pretty easy with the exception on the interval notation. The inverse function equation was pretty easy when I figured out how to solve it. Some of the problems were presented in a fun way like the bicycle velocity problem. Using the house and asking to use a grid system was cool. This connected it to a real world problem that you might find you will have to do on a job. The multiplication was pretty easy. Equations with triangle I remember clearly because of just taking trig last year. This made the triangle problem very easy. This week was mostly review the assignment packet had some easier and harder problems. I like that the desks are situated in such a way to promote helping others in your group. It is interesting to have the option to solve problems on the white board. This helps others in the group see the math along with the answer to the problem. This along with the video lectures lead me to believe that this will be an interesting year.