This week so far has also been pretty easy. Limits I have no trouble with. Only figuring out some of the problem algebraically has been giving me issues. Most of the stuff has been easy with that but more specifically the only thing with limits I have trouble with is using the trigonometry terms. Sometimes I cant remember the rules of sin and cosine. But the group of people that I am sitting with have been helping me with that. Continuity has been giving me no problems so far. Once you know the rules and how to use it, it becomes pretty easy. So far going through the homework only a few problems have been giving me trouble. These problems I hope to get figured out tomorrow. On another note I would be writing this on Friday but I am part of the marching band so I have to be at the game. After the game it would have gave me very little time to write this blog post. The video you showed us about monster prime numbers was very interesting. I liked how the search for these specific numbers have been so important to mathematics. I really liked the rule where if you times 2 by a prime number and subtract 1 you will get a prime number. The one thing I thought the video was missing was explaining why some of the numbers found by this rule ending up being non-prime numbers. I was wondering if there was any way to find out if the rule holds true with the numbers. I wonder if there is any special rule that explains why there is exception to the rule of finding prime numbers. Other than that it was a great video and it was a great way to break up the week in limits and I greatly enjoyed it.

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