Well, this is going to be difficult to write. I’ll have to explain all we did this week in 300 words when I could just condense it into one. The one word that describes all we did this week is this…Review. That’s it, so now its time for me to ramble on for 250 words so enjoy. I think that the concepts covered this chapter were really easy I don’t think I will have any trouble on the test. I understood it very well. Anti differentiation in my opinion is much easier then doing the derivative of a equation. It is also very easy now for me to find an area under a graph using all of the different rules that tell you different ways how to do so. I don’t think I had any trouble with any of the concepts or proofs. This week was all about review which made it really easy. I liked how easy it was and I think I am ready to take the test. I like the newest format the tests are now using with the multiple choice and short answers. I hope that the next test will be done in the same format. Well I would say something here about the TED Talk to get more words but we didn’t have one so I’m going to ramble here about the lack of one and say that I was very very disappointed. I could have at least’s if we had one gotten like 50 to 90 words out of it and it would make my life easier. The bad news is that I’m 40 words short and have nothing else so say so I’m adding this sentence. Over all it was a very very easy week. At least we had techno Friday.

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