This week was very difficult. I am worrying about the test  on Monday. I don’t think I am ready. I was lost on most of the concepts introduced. I think it might be my weakness with story problems. Im just not that good with linearization or rates of change. I am studying a lot this weekend so I hope that I will be ready when it comes time to take the test. It looks like it is going to snow. I wish that it snowed on the weekdays not on the weekends. I got my quiz back… well I can’t say it wasn’t as I expected it to be. I’m just not that good at story problems. Optimization was not my strong point. I plan on doing the mastery and hopefully I am able to boost my grade up to where it should be. Its hard for me to understand rates of change its just really difficult to use the mathematical modal in relation to the derivative to find the answer. The good news is I’m starting o understand it and I hope that I will be even better by Monday. I hope that when I take the quiz it would be a lot easier and I will be able to solve it without too much trouble. I hope it ends up being less then the optimization quiz. This week I had tons of homework. The  homework and trying to understand the problems was really difficult. I was also getting a lot of homework from my AP US History class. Hopefully this week it will be a little easier. Overall It has been a very hard week. I hope with chapter 6 coming along it will be easier.

Mr. Cresswell
1/5/2014 09:03:15 pm

This is definitely a tough week. The good thing about it is that you are stretching your brain in new ways and becoming a better problem solver. Keep working at it!


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